Lake @TimesSquare

LAKE @TimesSquare


To celebrate the month-long exhibition of Lake, as well as the beginning of spring, Erin Johnson will host a Spring Equinox Gathering on Father Duffy Square on March 20. Fellow Pioneer Works artist-in-residence Luke Stewart will perform a live score to accompany the presentation of Lake.

Then on March 27, Pioneer Works invites viewers to a closing celebration in Brooklyn, which will include a sunset screening of Lake along the Red Hook shoreline.


Erin Johnson’s Lake gazes down at a still body of water from a birds-eye view while a group of artists peacefully float in and out of the frame or work to stay at the surface. As the swimmers glide farther away and draw closer together, they reach out in what the artist describes as “collective queer and desirous exchanges” — holding hands, drifting over and under their neighbors, making space, taking care of each other with a casual, gentle intimacy while they come together as individual parts of a whole.


Erin Johnson

Pioneer Works


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