
Pasta Tuesday

The Accademia Tosatti della pasta fresca organizes online courses in live streaming in Italian & English.

In addition to our weekly workshops, every Tuesday you can join our free pasta-surprise event “Pasta Tuesday!”

Every week you will have the opportunity to produce a “surprise” pasta format without eggs , you will know which one it is only at the time of the course!

How does it work?

Once you have registered, you will receive the list of ingredients you will have to prepare. And then… be surprised!

12 hours before the event you will receive an email with instructions to connect to our live streaming. You will simply need a computer or a smartphone and an internet connection!

And then…

  • Prepare all ingredients and the tools on the worktop
  • Place your computer or smartphone in front of you, but in a safe distance from the flour!
  • wash your hands
  • connect by following the instructions
  • Roll up your sleeves and knead!


Register Here- FREE

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