
The Photography Show 2019

The Photography Show 2019 in New York City on April 4th-7th at Pier 94. This years show showcased some of the best photography in the industry today. Such intriguing details displayed in each and every art piece displayed. These life sized pictures, full of captivation. As we walked through the gallery of photos, each booth struck such great conversation with the photographers on how these photos were captured or which camera and lens did they use to create such beautiful images. AIPAD Talks, is a panel discussion with some of the best curators, artists, collectors and writers discussing the latest trends involving photography.

The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019

This years special edition included “A Room for Solace: An Exhibition of Domestic Interiors. This exhibit was curated by Alec Soth, displaying domestic interiors that speaks on turbulent times and how finding refuge could be possible. This years recipient of The AIPAD Award was given to Sarah Greenough, Senior Curator and Head of the Department of Photographs at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. DC. A visionary, she became the founding curator of the department of photographs, responsible for establishing and growing the National Gallery’s collection of photographs, which now numbers more than 17,000 works made between 1839 and the present. It was a honor to see. Thank you AIPAD we are looking forward to next year.


The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019
The Photography Show 2019

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