
Jodie Foster and Jack O' Connell – Money Monster

Did anyone see that awesome preview of “Money Monster”! Join director Jodie Foster and actor Jack O’Connell (“Unbroken”) as they discuss their new drama “Money Monster,” a tense thriller which follows Lee Gates (George Clooney), a bombastic TV personality whose popular financial network show has made him the money wiz of Wall Street. But after he hawks a high tech stock that mysteriously crashes, an irate investor (O’Connell) takes Gates, his crew, and his ace producer Patty Fenn (Julia Roberts) hostage live on air.   RSVP is required to attend this event. A confirmation email will be sent back if accepted.
AOL Build
770 Broadway New York, NY 4th Floor
Monday May 9, 2016
3:00 pm
Free-RSVP Required

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